The Beauty in Wood
About Me
My name is Brian and I just thought I would tell you a little about myself.
Married with grown up children living with my good lady wife in Welling in the beautiful county of Kent which is sometimes known as the "Garden of England" for its abundance of orchards and hop gardens.
I work mainly with various species of wood but sometimes will combine Resin and wood Burl in the same blank. The effects are stunning in Trinket Boxes and Spheres. I use commercial spindle and bowl blanks as and when required but I get the most satisfaction salvaging felled trees that would be shredded or burnt and turning them into something decorative / useful.
I am constantly amazed how a piece of old tree suddenly produces a wonderful grain pattern and chatoyence. It can take several years for timber to dry out sufficiently to turn on the lathe so patience is indeed a virtue.
I have made various items for Wedding presents, Birthdays, Anniversaries Bowls, Platters. Pens etc to order and am more than happy to discuss your particular requirements without any obligation.
Please feel free to browse my shop and I hope you like my work. If you have any questions please go to my contact page and drop me a line.